How will I know if you have a spare part?
Generally parts can be married up by the vehicle identification number (found on the registration sticker of your car).
When enquiring about parts have your V.I.N. ready
Generally parts can be married up by the vehicle identification number (found on the registration sticker of your car).
When enquiring about parts have your V.I.N. ready
Yes, We are networked Australia Wide to over 150 other Wreckers, If it’s our there we’ll find it!
Aftermarket part quality has considerably improved and we rate the quality for you to take out the guess work.
Yes, faulty or incorrect parts will be credited or replaced – parts must be returned within 7 days.
All engine kilometers are recorded prior to removal and tested for condition. We give a kilometer and condition report of items requested.
We can tell you straight away if the part is available, Delivery times vary Between 24 hours – 3 days Depending on part Location.
Yes, All Mechanical parts come with warranty, Usually 30 days – Extended Warranty’s available – Electrical parts have a 14 day return policy.
Yes, Depending on Vehicle location.
Yes we do.
No, Our friendly Staff remove everything for you!
We can deliver parts Locally and Nationwide, All inquiries contact us for a quote.